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Katana 102 Script - Gaffer Attribute Control : Renderman

Demonstrating Gaffer Lights Attributes Control : Renderman

This script simply can tweak the attribute values of many lights at one click basically,

Purpose :

1. To Save time while changing attributes for many lights in the scene. Few attributes can be changed in the Gaffer-Three node for the selected lights like intensity / exposure but if even they are having expression or are in other Rig nodes than it becomes difficult.

2. If need to tweak the exposure / intensity of multiple lights in the relative format like :

lightA's Intensity = 5, lightB's Intensity = 8, lightC's Intensity = 2

so in this case, we can relatively Add / Subtract values for these lights as if adding 5 will change all to10, 13, 7 respectively and subtracting will also work similar.

3. Can change/Multiply color data, Camera Visibility of light and changing light group names to many lights in the selected Gaffer-Three Node.

Limitation :

1. Few Attribute aren't there on all the lights so they wont work over them like,

PxrPortalLight - doesn't have intensity, exposure, color attributes

PxrAovLight - doesn't have intensity, exposure, color, light group attributes

2. on normal lights applying shader for prman lights will work fine with script but not for camera visibility.

3. Incoming Connection lights/objects wont work


1. Select the Gaffer-Three node in which lights reside.

2. sync selection - in/out this should be set by user.

3. Two methods : selection method will need you to select the lights and light group method will give an option to select the light groups on which action should run on.

Video Demonstration Explains the whole process of its working regarding every parameter.


How to make it working:

1. copy this folder inside 'PYTHONPATH' dir of Foundry Katana

2. from python tab just run the following code :

from gaffer_attribute_control_v002 import go_prman_attribute_control_ui


Software Works Over:

* Katana - Foundry

** Renderer - Pixar Renderman

Suggestions are welcome.

LinkedIn : Ravi Motwani


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