Blender 2.8 : Mesh Sequence Cache (Python add-on)
HI, This script is about alembic cache import over selected objects , it gives path and modifier. There is advantage and disadvantage both while using it, like:
ADVANTAGE is one won't need to do over all the objects , I don't know other ways as am new but I couldn't even .
DISADVANTAGE is one should not rename the object and use this script, duplicating collections is best . It won't rename the objects just the collection gets rename so the script will work fine . If followed properly it works fine. USAGE :
Export from Maya or Any Other 3d Package: (I tested on Maya):
1. Make a selection set for selecting objects
2. Exporting from Maya with alembic export command , UV, World Space, UV Write Checkbox kept On.
Import in blender : 1. select all the objects in the scene 2. Add the Mesh_Sequence_Cache 'Modifier' 3. Load the cache file in the modifier 4. Lastly Click the given button 'Alembic Cache'.
Installation :
Blender > Edit > Preference > Add On
PS. the active object also be one which should be given the alembic cache path.
PASSWORD : ani|tech