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File Image Sequence Issue Maya Arnold

Recently were facing issue regarding sequence load of .png in file node and rendering in Arnold Maya,

the issue was that loaded .png image sequence was not playing on render or view port.

So we found 2 solutions,

1. The image connected should not contain underscore before seq number instead it should have period/dot as shown in example.


DO - ag_rabbit_v001.000.png, ag_rabbit_v001.001.png, ag_rabbit_v001.002.png

DON'T - ag_rabbit_v001_000.png, ag_rabbit_v001_001.png, ag_rabbit_v001_002.png

2. The image connected should be driven as sequence through Arnold image node i.e. aiImage.

NOTE : Thing to keep in mind while using this , to offset there is no direct pipe as in (fig 1.1) shows you the interface,

Use File Sequence checker will connect it to time expression node (fig 1.2) which means that which ever frame is running the same image seq number will get played as like frame 30 image sequence "ag_rabbit_v001.030.png" will be viewed. To offset we used "quatAdd" node with "time" Out Time to Input 1Quat X and Output Quat X to Time.(fig 1.3)

Unit To Time Conversion will come automatically for conversion purposes.

(fig 1.1)

(fig 1.2)

(fig 1.3)

Suggestions and thoughts if than please comment or inbox.


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