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Latlong / CubeMap / 360 Rendering in Autodesk Maya

Was having a question striking the mind of how to render 360 degree in Autodesk Maya since we started capturing HDRI , Really tried same approach in Maya by 6 sides capturing the camera but was not getting succeed due to our film back though after search came to know about FOV and how it works but was missing the point of Film Back Aperture . Solution: I found the solution on the forum so took the note as Kiryha told

>>> 6 cameras (Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom) with 90 degree FOV(aperture=film aspect=1). Render. Stitch with SphericalTransform node in nuke.

Default Camera Parameter :

Modification for Rendering in Camera Parameter :

There was even one mel script provided on forum , which i tested and just modified

to parent with group and tested on nuke with render pass.

Can be downloaded if one needs.

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